I AM: Complete Week Seven - Day Two


I AM: Complete Week Seven - Day Two

By Central Women

All too often we can get our identity mixed up and messed up, can’t we? We women love to fall into the traps of perfectionism and comparison. As we strive and compare, allowing the influences of social media, family, and friends to define our worth, we drift from our true identity. We have to battle against finding our identity in our roles For some of us it’s as moms, our performance at work, how your mom or someone significant in your life thinks of you, how clean your home is and more.

Today we get to learn about what makes us complete. The answer is always Jesus, isn’t it? Sometimes we need to be reminded of our identity in Jesus, in Christ alone. We need to remember that what makes us most complete is the truth that Jesus died for us on the cross and has given us every spiritual blessing in Christ.

We have value and complete security simply because we are His.

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting with Jesus. He is right next to you and has something very special to tell you. Pause in this moment to picture Him with you, next to you, looking into your eyes, holding your hand.

“Daughter, you are so precious to Me that I died for you so that you can live. I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing. I chose you before the foundation of the world to make you holy, blameless and covered in my love. I have redeemed your life, adopted you and forgiven you for every sin. I have given you a very special gift, the Holy Spirit that will live in you. This is a guarantee of your inheritance I have waiting for you. You can have full confidence that you are mine. I love you.”

Paraphrased from Ephesians 1:1-14

Does this stir you heart? Our souls long for Jesus. Our souls thirst for love, passion, acceptance, and purpose. When we believe and accept who we are in Christ, His love, passion, and purpose for our lives, we begin the journey of being complete. Sometimes we can have a hard time believing our true identity or receiving unconditional love and accepting the truth. We begin believing by surrendering our lives to Him, trusting Him as our Lord and Savior and soaking up the Word. We come to life as we embrace the incredible truth that Jesus is Lord.

Confessing that Jesus is Lord, that He died for us and believing that He rose again changes everything in our souls and lives.

“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.”

Ephesians 2:8

Sometimes finding our truest identity is in the confessions mentioned above and other times it’s through living them out as we serve Him and discover what He’s created us to be. My greatest moments of joy, when I have felt the most complete and satisfied in life have come from times when I have served Jesus with my gifts. Nothing compares to serving Him and following Him, even when I feel completely inadequate or terrified, having complete faith that He will equip me and stand with me. It does something in my soul; it strengthens my bond and connection to Jesus when I am obedient to the things He calls me to do. Often it requires me to be 100% dependent on Him to complete them, trusting in my identity in Christ alone, that I am who He’s made me to be, complete in Him with all my weaknesses and my strengths. He can use me, with all of my shortcomings, by His grace. He wants to use you too.

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.”

Romans 12:6

In Christ alone, we are made complete. My mind keeps recalling the song “In Christ Alone,” by Sarah Reeves. It summarizes our relationship with Christ and all that He’s done for us and the power and strength we gain from that firm foundation in Christ alone. He is our portion, our everything, our maker, healer, comforter, redeemer, hope, purpose, friend, counselor, rock, shield, strength, light, peace, calm, rest, refuge, help, Father…


Take a few minutes to be still and listen to the song “In Christ Alone” by Sarah Reeves. Allow these truths about Christ to wash over you.

Have you discovered your gifts and passions? What is God inviting you to do next? Consider taking a spiritual gifts assessment. Google “spiritual gifts assessment” or search Lifeway.com for a good one. Then, find a place to serve at your church where you can use the gifts God has given you.

Read Lamentations 3:24 and Psalm 73:26. Write a prayer for the Lord asking Him to be your portion.
