I AM: Robed Week Six - Day One


I AM: Robed Week Six - Day One

By Central Women

Welcome to week six! You may be puzzled by the title of this week’s study, but as we journey together, it will unfold for you. Bit by bit, we’ll look into the wonderful identity Christ has given us. It will be a quick glimpse, a taste, and we’ll begin by exploring the word covenant. We hear the word covenant used at weddings and read it in the Bible, but what does it mean? What is a covenant? How serious is it? Does it have anything to do with you and me?

Did you know that your identity in Christ is based on covenant? It is the reason you can say all the other “I Am Statements” listed in this book. So, grab a pencil and let’s get started!

Let’s begin with the first time “covenant” appears in the Bible. Read Genesis 6:1-12. (You may find it helpful to mark “God” with a triangle. I also like to box the word “covenant.” Marking helps us to slow down as we’re studying and can help us identify important words and concepts.)

Who initiated the covenant and why?

Now let’s read Genesis 9:8-17. Who did God establish the covenant with here?

What else did you notice about covenant in these verses? Briefly list what you observed. I’ll get you started.

- God gives a time frame for how long this covenant lasts, (v. 12)

- God gives a sign of the covenant, (v. 12-13)

Did you notice truths about God and man as you were reading? The God of covenant sees the thoughts of man’s heart (v. 5) and is grieved by its evil intent. How often do we take time to consider how our behavior affects the heart of God? Many today don’t give their actions as much as a second thought.

How are you doing? What are the thoughts of your heart that grieve God because of their evil intentions? Take a minute and consider this. Write your thoughts below.

The world of Noah’s day was “corrupt” and “filled with violence” (Genesis 6:11) and God was grieved because of this continual and total wickedness. Yet, in these vile days, Scripture tells us that Noah found favor. How did Noah find favor? We saw that he was a righteous man, blameless in his time (generation) and that he walked with God. Still, when we consider the whole counsel of God’s Word, we see in Psalm 37:3 that the salvation of the righteous rests not in their own doing, but in the Lord. So we come back to God’s grace . . . and what a beautiful picture of that grace we have here. Isn’t it interesting? God chose Noah, clothed him in righteousness, and walked with him. Noah knew God. God left him in the midst of a wicked people who continued in their way in spite of his godly example. Like the people in the days of the judges, the men of Noah’s time did what was right in their own eyes.

How are you doing my sweet sister? Have you ever witnessed God’s grace in the life of another believer who God has left in your company, yet chosen not to turn from your sinful ways?

Let’s end today praying Psalm 139:23-24 NASB back to God:

 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.”

Psalm 139:23-24


Whew! That is challenging. I am so proud of you for taking the time to bow your knee before God and ask Him to search your heart. If you have a response to this prayer, write it out and act upon it today!
